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Anti-Instances in Haskell


11 min read (2006 words)
Table of Contents

Prerequisites: You should be familiar with using basic typeclasses. If not, check out Serokell's Introduction to Haskell Typeclasses or the Typeclasses and Instances section from Kowainik's Strategic Deriving.

Typeclass instances are a powerful tool for specifying which overloaded operations are allowed on which types. But what about specifying which operations are disallowed on which types? With the arrival of Unsatisfiable in GHC 9.8.1, Haskell has better answers now than ever before.

Anti-Instances: Past and Present

An anti-instance is the intentional rejection of a possible typeclass instance. Anti-instances can be defined implicitly by omission or explicitly by custom type error.

Omitted Instances

The easiest and most common method for disallowing a typeclass operation on a given type is simply not providing the corresponding typeclass instance.

As an example, let's look at omitted instances on Data.Semigroup.First:

newtype First a = First { getFirst :: a }

instance Semigroup (First a) where
    (<>) :: First a -> First a -> First a
    a <> _ = a

First comes with a Semigroup instance as (<>), an append operation obeying the associativity law1, can be implemented for combining First values.

λ> First 99 <> First 12 <> First 30 <> First 7
First 99
λ> ((First 12 <> First 30) <> First 7) <> First 99
First 12
λ> First 12 <> (First 30 <> (First 7 <> First 99))
First 12
Figure 1: Combines two values by selecting the first

On the other hand, there is no Monoid instance provided for First. No value can be supplied to First that, when combined with a distinct second value, would result in the second value. Therefore mempty, an "empty" value satisfying the identity law1, cannot be implemented for First.

Typeclass hierarchies help users quickly distinguish how different types behave by communicating the operations they implement and the laws they satisfy. Observing where different types fall within these hierarchies is an easy way to discover intentionally omitted instances.2

Standard Typeclass Hierarchy in HaskellFigure 2: A typeclass hierarchy (Typeclassopedia)

Using TypeError

The 2016 release of GHC 8.0.1 introduced TypeError for custom compile-time errors. Unlike with omitted instances, TypeError enables explicit anti-instances:

{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, DataKinds #-}

import GHC.TypeError (TypeError, ErrorMessage (Text))

class ReflexiveEq a where
    reflexiveEq :: a -> a -> Bool

instance TypeError
  (Text "Equality is not reflexive on Double: NaN /= NaN")
  => ReflexiveEq Double where
    reflexiveEq _ _ = False

Triggering a compilation error with the above anti-instance can be seen below:

λ> reflexiveEq (1 :: Double) (1 :: Double)

<interactive>:30:1: error: [GHC-64725]
Equality is not reflexive on Double: NaN /= NaN
In the expression: reflexiveEq (1 :: Double) (1 :: Double)

Custom type errors enable user-defined error messages and provide concrete pointers for code documentation and reference in discussions. TypeError improves developer experience by enhancing library accessibility, IDE tooltips, and user interactions with the compiler.

One downside of TypeError is its implementation as a type-level function.3 This provides flexibility but makes it more difficult to understand when exactly a TypeError will be thrown.

While TypeError usage has been minor within the Haskell ecosystem, there are some very cool examples of them appearing in several libraries.4

Introducing Unsatisfiable

The upcoming GHC 9.8.1 release will bring an improved version of TypeError called Unsatisfiable.

{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, DataKinds #-}

import GHC.TypeError (Unsatisfiable, ErrorMessage (Text))

instance Unsatisfiable
  (Text "Halt! Functions cannot be compared for equality.")
  => Eq (a -> b)

Triggering a compilation error with the above anti-instance can be seen below:

λ> (\x -> x) == (\y -> y)

<interactive>:18:11: error: [GHC-22250]
Halt! Functions cannot be compared for equality.
In the expression: (\ x -> x) == (\ y -> y)

Anti-instances defined with Unsatisfiable look nearly identical to those defined with TypeError, but have some additional benefits. Unlike TypeError, Unsatisfiable is a typeclass and thus produces types of kind Constraint.

λ> :kind TypeError
TypeError :: ErrorMessage -> b
λ> :kind Unsatisfiable
Unsatisfiable :: ErrorMessage -> Constraint

This results in more predictable error reporting and fixes buggy behavior seen when TypeError is used with -fdefer-type-errors. You can find more details on its advantages in the Unsatisfiable GHC Proposal.

Tips & Tricks

Escape Hatch

What if you really need an operation from an outlawed instance? Whether facing an implicit anti-instance by omission or an explicit anti-instance by custom type error, the solution is to use a newtype.

Newtypes overcome anti-instances by creating a wrapper type upon which fresh instances can be created without polluting the underlying type.

For example, we can implement a Monoid instance on UnsafeFirst without worrying about the Monoid anti-instance on First:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, DataKinds #-}

import Data.Semigroup (First)
import GHC.TypeError (Unsatisfiable, ErrorMessage (Text))

instance Unsatisfiable (Text "First lacks an identity element")
   => Monoid (First a)

-- | `First`, but with a `Monoid` instance
newtype UnsafeFirst a = UnsafeFirst
  { getUnsafeFirst :: First a }
  deriving (Show, Semigroup)

instance Monoid (UnsafeFirst a) where
  mempty :: UnsafeFirst a
  mempty = error "certified law breaker"

This "works":

λ> UnsafeFirst (First 1) <> UnsafeFirst (First 3)
UnsafeFirst {getUnsafeFirst = First {getFirst = 1}}
λ> UnsafeFirst (First 1) <> mempty
UnsafeFirst {getUnsafeFirst = First {getFirst = 1}} least until there's a law-breaking mempty in the first position.

λ> mempty <> UnsafeFirst (First 3)
UnsafeFirst {getUnsafeFirst = First
  {getFirst = *** Exception: certified law breaker
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at <interactive>:52:12 in interactive:Ghci7

Clearly, the above example is a bad idea. Carefully consider whether this workaround is a good idea and truly necessary in your case. There's likely a different representation of your data that can better achieve your goals.

For example, a different First datatype exists in Data.Monoid that wraps the Maybe datatype.

newtype First a = First { getFirst :: Maybe a }

instance Semigroup (First a) where
  (<>) :: First a -> First a -> First a
  First Nothing <> b = b
  a             <> _ = a

instance Monoid (First a) where
  mempty :: First a
  mempty = First Nothing

Combining values under Data.Semigroup.First means selecting the first value, while combining values under Data.Monoid.First means selecting the first "non-empty" value.

λ> First Nothing <> First Nothing <> First Nothing
First {getFirst = Nothing}
λ> ((First Nothing <> First (Just 99)) <> First Nothing) <> First (Just 33)
First {getFirst = Just 99}
λ> First Nothing <> (First (Just 99) <> (First Nothing <> First (Just 33)))
First {getFirst = Just 99}

Verified Counterexamples

One of Haskell's strengths is its facility for making assumptions explicit.5 Rather than implicitly omitting impossible instances, Haskellers can communicate intent with anti-instances. Further, claims about why an anti-instance exists can be strengthened by incorporating machine-checked validations.

Using property-based testing with doctests, we can verify typeclass instances and anti-instances directly in our documentation. The presence of counterexamples from generated values makes it clear which anti-instances are legitimately law-breaking. Likewise, the absence of counterexamples from generated values makes it clear which typeclass instances are legitimately law-abiding.

Anti-instance Doctest
Figure 3: Haddocks for Doctested Anti-Instance (code)6

Further Reading

For more on this topic, I highly recommend reading the Unsatisfiable GHC Proposal and A story told by Type Errors.


If there's further interest, I may write more on this topic. I have some thoughts to flesh out around tradeoffs, related proposals, more ergonomic law-checking, and deriving anti-instances.

Thanks for reading!




    • Associativity Law: An operation is associative if parenthesizing its usage from left-to-right and right-to-left evaluates to the same value. Types with operations obeying the associative law can be given a Semigroup instance.
    • Identity Law: An operation has a neutral element, or identity, if there exists an element that can be combined with any other element without changing the other element. Types with an operation obeying the associative law and an identity element for that operation can be given a Monoid instance.


    (A <> B) <> C == A <> (B <> C)

    newtype Midpoint = Midpoint Double
      deriving (Eq, Show)
    -- Bad! Law-breaking instance!
    instance Semigroup Midpoint where
      (<>) (Midpoint a) (Midpoint b) =
        Midpoint ((a + b) / 2)
    λ> (Midpoint 1 <> Midpoint 2) <> Midpoint 3
    Midpoint 2.25
    λ> Midpoint 1 <> (Midpoint 2 <> Midpoint 3)
    Midpoint 1.75
    Left-to-right evaluation is different from right-to-left
    Max, Min, First, Last, NonEmpty

    Associative + Identity:

    Semigroup: (A <> B) <> C == A <> (B <> C)

    Left Identity: e <> A == A

    Right Identity: A <> e == A

    -- Bad! Law-breaking instance!
    instance Monoid (NonEmpty a) where
      mempty = undefined
    λ> (10 :| [20, 30]) <> mempty :: NonEmpty Int
    10 :| [20,30]
    λ> mempty <> (10 :| [20, 30]) :: NonEmpty Int
    *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
    CallStack (from HasCallStack):
      undefined, called at...
    No "empty" value to serve as an identity element
    Sum, Product, All, Any
  1. The Semigroup-Monoid-Group hierarchy distinguishes types with an operation that is merely associative from those that can also be combined against an identity value and an inverse value.

    Here are some classic typeclass hierarchies for implicit yet intentionally omitted instances:

    Counterexamples of Type Classes explores several anti-instance hierarchies in Purescript through counterexamples.

  2. Otherwise known as a type family.

  3. TypeError has powered:

    • mezzo for type-safe (Western) music composition that enforces the rules of counterpoint
    • silica for more accessible optics with high-quality type errors
  4. You can read more about the benefits of being explicit in my Fearless Tinkering is Functional blog series.

  5. Testing anti-instances against something like monoidLaws in quickcheck-classes or hedgehog-classes won't work. This is a good thing, as those checkers require operations from typeclass instances that we don't want to exist.

    One workaround is to provide a false implementation of typeclass operations as a record and pass it around manually like a typeclass would if it was handling the plumbing. This is the approach taken in Figure 3. That example's false implementation turned out to be problematic as it relied on non-generated values. Since my earlier point was more about the ability to co-locate testing and instances within the documentation, I've decided to leave the example as is (for now).

    Two interesting things to explore would be a) making law-checking without a valid instance more ergonomic and b) making a fancier anti-instance wrapper that takes/witnesses a counterexample as input before returning an Unsatisfiable constraint.

Something incorrect? Addition to propose? Please file an issue. Comment to add? Join the discussion below by authorizing Giscus or commenting directly on the Github Discussion. Off-topic remarks, unfunny jokes, weirdly overfamiliar internet-speak, and bootlicking will be moved here.